Threads of Ambition Page 15
Isis kneaded his shoulders, easing away the sudden tension Sun-Tzu felt building in his muscles. Beautifully done, he applauded silently. That cuts several ways. Prince Magnusson, the remains of his small state pinched in between the Draconis Combine and Lyran Alliance, would worry about setting precedence should Theodore or Katrina be elected the next First Lord. Yvonne might have worried that Sun-Tzu could apply his occupation troops to FedCom worlds—except for the little-known fact that her worries were over, or just beginning. And, he noticed, my aunt does hint that I abuse my position by raising doubts about how I could feel threatened by the much-smaller St. Ives Compact.
Instead of letting her hands drop back into her lap, Candace steepled her fingertips. "Any well-meant intentions aside, however, I believe it can be seen how the presence of occupation troops trying to enforce martial law and a disarmament of my border can only lead to escalating tensions. Of course, I cannot permit my border defenses to be compromised, just as no League state would. I feel confident that we can arrive at a diplomatic solution to the terrible tragedy that occurred on Hustaing, once tensions are allowed to subside.
"Duchess Candace Liao," she said formally, "of the St. Ives Compact, votes to repeal the First Lord's occupation edict." And with a last, regal nod, the message ended.
Sun-Tzu found little fault in the entire message. Her one and only mistake was not returning her hands to her lap. The gesture made her look calculating—Liao. He doubted the minor faux pas would change any votes, though. "Your thoughts," he asked, looking over his shoulder at Isis and then remembering to add, "dearest?"
Isis moved around the chair to lean against the rosewood desk as she faced Sun-Tzu. Lips pursed, she regarded him with sad brown eyes for a moment before speaking. "Candace did not verbally attack you or your Confederation," she said, speaking slowly and obviously taking great care with each word, "as you likely hoped she might. She made no excuses for the Compact's mistakes, and has even intimated that you are due further recompense for the tragedy on Hustaing. Though, you have already raised a new unit from the spoils and Kuan Yin Allard-Liao headed an immediate relief action that brought much-needed aide to the citizens of Qingliu."
Yes, four days before my own relief action arrived, depriving me of the public relations boost. Sun-Tzu worked to keep the irritation off his face. Kuan Yin was a player of minor importance, and so did not really threaten him. "And what of Candace's call for a vote of repeal?" If nothing else, Sun-Tzu had come to respect Isis' political acumen and her calm temperament, which allowed her to see what he might have overlooked. Also, I know she has had word from her father.
"She can expect support from her usual allies," Isis said at once, her voice assured. Then she grew thoughtful. "My father will vote against her, because of the incident on Indicass involving Cassandra's firing on the Second Oriente Hussars. He will force some minor concessions from Candace later over that, and perhaps even for the danger she subjected me to on Hustaing." Unspoken was the fact that Thomas Marik had yet to publicly reproach Candace for the Hustaing incident, though Sun-Tzu knew how that must pain her.
"Katrina," Isis said, grimacing slightly, as if tasting something bad, "Katrina is the unknown. She might vote with you, for any number of reasons we could discuss. Or she might vote against you simply for the trouble you've raised in the old Free Tikonov Republic."
That should be "the old Tikonov Commonality," Sun-Tzu thought with a touch of bitterness toward Isis, but kept it from his face and merely nodded his approval of her evaluation. "And what would you advise?" he asked, voice carefully neutral so as not to prevent her from saying exactly what she thought.
Isis never hesitated. "You should call back the occupation forces before the vote is finalized. At the very least, stop them from trying to impose martial law. Seize the initiative, beloved, and you can wring concessions from Candace that will more than make up for one unit's mistake in attacking Hustaing."
Perhaps seeing something on his face, Isis continued in a more soothing voice. "I know the idea of reclaiming the St. Ives Compact for the Confederation burns within you, Sun-Tzu. Your Xin Sheng efforts have brought about an astounding surge in pro-Capellan nationalism. But examine the facts. Your resources are spread so thin, reclaiming the disputed worlds coreward and trying to make inroads further into the Chaos March. Now the trouble with the Detroit Conference. . ."
"Yes," Sun-Tzu quickly agreed as she trailed off uncertainly, "a tragedy." Word had arrived the week before that Sherman Maltin, president of the New Colony Region lying between the Magistracy and the Concordat, had staged a coup during the Conference's Christmas Eve party. Both Emma Centrella and Jeffrey Calderon, rulers of the two large Periphery states, were taken hostage until the New Colony Region was recognized as an independent realm. "I know I could hardly afford to divert more troops into the area, but I owe that to our Magistracy allies. And if not for the Hustaing incident, I would have been on my way to the Detroit Conference and might be held hostage myself."
"Somehow," Isis said with a touch of bone-dry humor, "I suspect you would not have been quite so unlucky."
That is what is called a fishing expedition, dearest. Full points for the attempt. Regarding her with studiously blanked face, Sun-Tzu ignored the comment and returned to the previous topic. "So, in your opinion, I cannot hope to take any of the border worlds and should therefore play to the opinion of other states?"
A touch of hesitation there, as if unsure whether or not she should voice an opinion. Then Isis forged ahead. "I believe you could take a single world, Denbar, and find enough support in the council to keep it."
"But you recommend against anything further?" Sun-Tzu said.
Isis nodded. "You are First Lord. If you continue to provoke the situation, it might be seen as gross abuse of your position, and the others will eventually censure you. How would that help your Confederation?" She stood, gazing down at him fondly. "You have always put your state first. You will do the right thing." She moved away, turning toward the door and then glancing back. "Are you coming?"
Sun-Tzu waved her on with a smile. "In a few moments, dearest. I wish to put a few more things in order. You go ahead."
Pausing in the doorway, Isis awarded Sun-Tzu with her best smile, full of promise and encouragement. "Walk wisely, beloved, and history will treat you kindly." Then she moved off, her slippers whispering against the hallway tiles.
That's "tread with wisdom," Sun-Tzu corrected her silently. If you are going to quote from the works of Lao-tzu, please do so correctly. He waited until the sounds of her movement faded, to be sure she would not overhear, then inserted a new message into the viewer.
Katrina Steiner-Davion, resplendent in white gown and with her golden tresses knotted into a thick braid that coiled over her left shoulder like a snake, stared back from the two-dimensional screen. Her blue eyes reflected an icy sharpness.
"Greetings, Sun-Tzu Liao. As our honorable First Lord," she said with heavily applied sarcasm, "I felt it proper that you be informed first among the Star League council. And personally, by me, though an ambassador will afford you greater detail later this week. At Yvonne's direct request, I have assumed the throne on New Avalon in an effort to deal with the legacy of civilian unrest to which my brother Victor abandoned her."
Though he knew what was to follow, having viewed the message earlier, Sun-Tzu could still not help the satisfied smile that stole over his face for the moment. Ah, Victor. Once more you have focused on the wrong enemy. What a homecoming you will face, if you return at all.
"Although the process of reuniting the Federated Commonwealth with the Lyran Alliance consumes much of my time," Katrina continued, "I have devoted some thought toward Duchess Liao's recent call for a repeal of your recent actions." She turned down the false charm, becoming much more businesslike. "I predict that Thomas Marik will support you, if for no other reason than for the trouble Cassandra caused his unit on Indicass. Perhaps the danger Isis was subjected to on Hustaing pla
ys a small part of that as well." False smile. "How unfortunate she was subjected to such a harrowing experience," she said lightly, then returned to the business at hand.
"Theodore and Magnusson will back St. Ives, for reasons I'm sure you've already examined. Candace needs a two-thirds majority to override you, and my assumption of the New Avalon throne brings us down to only six voting members. Which means that I still hold the deciding vote. How fortunate."
Exacting a measure of revenge for the Tikonov troubles? Sun-Tzu read that into the current situation easily enough, though to give Katrina credit she never once mentioned it. Apparently she was satisfied, for now, with taking the second throne.
"As I have said before, I do not believe it my business to interfere in what seems to me to be an internal Capellan matter. So I expect to vote against Duchess Liao's proposal." Her voice grew harder yet. "This would be the second kindness I have done you. So before you begin to think my generosity knows no boundaries, consider this. The Star League member states meet again this year, to elect a new First Lord. I would like to see a tradition begin of the current holder of that office nominating his successor. And I'm sure I can count on you."
The image faded. Sun-Tzu leaned back in his chair, right hand trailing a finger along his jaw while the left drummed against the chair's armrest. Her analysis is as flawless as Isis'. She wants me to nominate her in return for support now? An easy bargain to make. What do I care who is next in office? I am First Lord, and so long as that lasts I will use every last vestige of power within the office to revitalize the Confederation and make it whole once more.
He glanced at the empty doorway, where Isis had stood not moments before. History will treat me kindly? The winners write the history books, dear Isis, and if my Capellan Confederation is to be that winner, then it must always be put before my own interests. The situation will escalate as my forces push for incidents. And if incidents can't be made by pushing, then more forceful methods will be in order. The cost is going to run high in Capellan blood before I am through. There is no avoiding that, however much I wish I could. But the simple truth is that we are all expendable—you, me, everyone—when set next to the end result. Xin Sheng.
Whiteriver Staging Grounds
Pinedale, Denbar
St. Ives Compact
17 January 3061
You are hereby authorized to take any self-defensive actions deemed necessary to protect the integrity of your command and its warriors.
Such were the latest directives out of Sian. So now, at the head of his command lance and a supporting lance of the Hustaing Warriors, Zhong-shao Ni Tehn Dho walked his Victor through the main gate of Denbar's largest staging area, intending to follow those directives to their fullest extent. So long as we allow Pinedale's Home Guard base to act as a focus for resistance to the Confederation, we cannot hope to protect ourselves, much less enforce the Chancellor's will.
The heavy footfalls of Dho's assault 'Mech and its companion machines shook the fencing and rattled the glass in the guard booth windows. Inside the small shack, a guard picked up a phone to call in an alert to the mercenary units and Home Guard militia that made up Pinedale's standing garrison on Denbar. Dho ignored him, intent on reaching the 'Mech bays.
Self-defense, he thought again, running over the directive in his mind. That can be given a very liberal definition. A definition Dho was inclined to grant after the last few weeks. Three warriors caught between spaceport administration and the DropShip, beaten unconscious by spaceport workers. Another injured by a lucky rifle shot at long distance, probably a radical-minded civilian, but no way to tell for sure. And then yesterday, when Sao-shao Evans' lance attempted to peacefully force a Hetzer wheeled assault gun to pull over in order to confiscate the vehicle, the gunner had turned the Hetzer's one hundred-twenty-millimeter autocannon against Evans' Jenner and scrapped the BattleMech's gyro. The Home Guard soldier had later claimed that physical contact between a 'Mech and his vehicle constituted an attack in his book.
You want to play by the book, that works for me. Dho opened a comm channel. "Support Lance, remain on station here to prevent any exit from the staging grounds. Command Lance, we continue on to the 'Mech and vehicle bays." Chancellor and First Lord Liao ordered Denbar placed under martial law and disarmed. And that is just what we are going to do.
At five different points around the extensive staging grounds, double lances of the Hustaing Warriors—and the single observer's lance from House Hiritsu—would be closing on the same location. They would box in any Home Guard or St. Ives-employed mercenary and force them to accept the First Lord's ordered stand-down.
A pair of targets edged into his tactical screen and sped across at an angle to the path of the command lance. The computer's coding identified them as a pair of Pegasus scout hovercraft. "Let them go," Dho ordered quickly before his lance got sidetracked. "We can't match their speed. Leave them to someone else."
The Pegasus hovercraft didn't seem to want to let it go at that, and half-circled the command lance, drawing in ever tighter as if to make a stab at the rear armor of one of the BattleMechs. Trying to bait us. But when the bait didn't work they sped off in search of others. Dho relaxed his grip on the Victor's control sticks. They wanted to pull us around, throw us off balance. A sound tactic, especially considering the still disorganized state of the Hustaing Warriors. He radioed a quick caution to the entire battalion.
"Arcade Rangers, have Command Lance in sight," a voice called cheerfully over the air waves.
Ni Tehn Dho checked his head's up display, finding the lance of four BattleMechs ahead and to his left, bearing two-nine-five degrees, just past one of the large 'Mech hangars and clustered around a vehicle maintenance bay. Moving in closer and verifying through his viewscreen, he counted three of them walking around the maintenance depot and a fourth hunched down before the depot bay doors. Dho dialed for maximum magnification on an auxiliary monitor. Near as he could tell, the lance's commander was using small bursts from his Vindicator's medium pulse laser to sloppily weld the large armored doors closed.
"It's not pretty, but it works," a new voice offered as a Wraith and a Huron Warrior walked into view from behind the maintenance depot.
The Hiritsu observers, and out of position. Twenty-three years of previous command experience urged Ni Tehn Dho to exert control over the wayward pair, sending them back to their assigned zone of control, but common sense overrode that impulse. The Warrior Houses were not part of the regular CCAF, and so fell outside his command, regardless of whether or not he technically outranked them. And everything he'd seen about House Hiritsu impressed him enough that if Aris Sung and one of his lancemates had broken from their zone, it was with good reason.
"We get the job done," Dho transmitted over the Hustaing Warrior's general frequencies, allowing his people to hear his confidence in them even though he thought their finesse left something to be desired. "That's what matters."
The Wraith planted itself on widespread legs, one arm tight to its side and the other pointing past the Arcade Rangers to the 'Mech hangar. With the blued-steel look to its armor, it reminded Toh more of a large armored knight than a BattleMech. "That does matter, Zhong-shao. But getting the job done also means proper target selection. And while your inventive lance may have trapped a few armored vehicles, they have allowed at least two BattleMechs to power up within the hangar."
Dho swung around toward the 'Mech hangar. The hangar doors slowly slid open on motorized tracks, and within the dark spaces thermal scanning picked out the heat blooms of two fusion reactors. "Command Lance, block those doors," he ordered, already realizing it would be too late.
* * *
Although Aris Sung saw something almost amusing in the situation, it didn't take much imagination to also see the potential for danger and he readied himself for battle. Hands tight on his control sticks, all heat sinks online and weapons ready, he kept his targeting reticule floating over the opening doors of
the 'Mech hangar even as he warned the zhong-shao of the two 'Mechs powering up inside. They should have noticed. They should have checked the hangar first. But Aris also knew that he couldn't expect a newly formed unit to know all the tricks, or a retirement-age commander to remember them. They would learn, the old lessons would come back, or the Hustaing Warriors would die in infancy.
All fairly simple really, if one could keep an emotional distance.
Aris activated a private frequency to Raven Clearwater, his lancemate in the Huron Warrior. "Let them handle this, Raven. We lend some firepower only if things heat up out of control." According to House Master Non, it was more important that the Hustaing Warriors be allowed to learn from a few mistakes than to quickly enforce martial law on Denbar. Aris wasn't sure if he agreed—the sooner the situation was brought to heel the fewer casualties, on either side—but one did not argue with the House Master.
As the Hiritsu company leader had expected, Zhong-shao Dho was not able to block the door in time with his larger 'Mechs. An antiquated Blackjack made it through the two-story doors, followed at close proximity by a newer Cicada. Both of them might have made good their escape. The Blackjack's jumping power would keep it from being boxed in, while the Cicada's greater speed could outrun even Aris' Wraith.
What no one counted on were the Arcade Rangers.
The coordination left a lot to be desired, but results counted even if they were working more as four individuals than a true team. Led by the Vindicator, the four medium-weight 'Mechs attempted to box in the Blackjack but could not quite do it.